Action PAC is an acronym for Advancing Change Together In Our Neighborhood. The “PAC” is a registered committee with the Illinois State Board of Elections. The PAC was created to provide support for candidates who are interested in running for local offices such as School District Boards, Library Boards, Park District Boards, Community College Boards, and many more local offices.
These offices have been traditionally low-key positions and part of the prolific list of taxing bodies that exist throughout the State of Illinois. Illinois has more taxing bodies than California and many of these taxing bodies have minimal attention focused on them but they are all listed on your tax bill and they have significant budgets and assets.
The year 2020 proved to be a catalyst for political engagement on every level and locally the actions and policies of schools, libraries, and park districts are getting much more attention. This newfound attention has resulted in record numbers of candidates for these local offices.
Action PAC exists to support like-minded people who support positive change in local government that focuses on the concerns of taxpayers, citizens, and parents.
Mission Statement
To support and elect people to local elective offices that have been traditionally underserved.