Dear Barrington 220 Community:

Last evening we received the below text asking for support for 2 incumbent candidates in the April 4 election…It said that it was “Paid for  by the Democratic Party of Illinois”. As a former 220 BOE member who served faithfully for four years (2017-2021), I write to express my deep disappointment with the government overreach on display with this action.

Our local elections are meant to provide local leadership to our local government bodies.  If you look next to the candidates names on the county websites as vote returns come in, it has always said “non partisan” next to each candidates name…

With our school district utilizing over 70% of our property tax billed for “local” rule, and the recent increases in same, (many over 30%), and with the state funding only around 10% of the cost to run our district, I ask why is the State of IL political party trying to meddle in local elections?  Some will use the excuse that local rule is being threatened by extremist parents who may even be “terrorists”…as justification…they will say anything to justify their actions…After 4 years of bi monthly meetings I can tell you the closest thing I saw to extremism was people acting like they valued non partisan working together when in fact they only wanted control.  In my humble opinion if we allow this to continue we risk losing local rule entirely.

Could a candidate for local office refuse donated funding? YES they could and if they do not do so loudly before the election, they should resign if they win.  To not do so would be to cede local control to “the state”- make no mistake.

Please exercise your right to vote and do not re elect any incumbent running in this election if you want to reverse the negative trends that are only getting stronger…To impose governmental control in the name of fearing extremism is to impose that very extremism you allegedly fear…

Many things have improved since Covid ceased and some have gotten worse, like political partisanship & government overreach- as well as the economy we all depend on for our livelihoods. Let’s fight to improve the things we can! Please Vote for change on April 4 and mobilize your friends & loved ones to do the same.

Hi Sarah, I’m Wendy with the Democratic Party of Illinois! Our records show you live in Barrington. Far right extremists are running for school and library boards across Illinois – don’t let them win! Vote for BARRY ALTSHULER and LEAH COLLISTER-LAZZARI for Barrington SD 220 School Board on or before April 4th to protect our local schools and keep the far-right, extremist political agenda out of our classrooms. Paid for by the Democratic Party of Illinois. Reply STOP to opt-out.

Shame on Them!!

Mike Shackleton
220 BOE 2017-2021
Co-Chair Finance Committee
Member Labor Committee
Member Resources Committee

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